Hello world

Who am I?

My name is Srđan Marjanović. I live in Novi Sad, Serbia. My list of things that I'm passionate about is ever evolving but some of the stuff that are always present on the list are of course programming, hacking and tinkering with computers and electronics, but also cooking, coffee, skiing, rollerblading, ice skating and photography.

I have almost a decade of professional experience as a web developer. Currently, my day job is being a full stack developer (with a sprinkle of Ops) @ Active Collab. I'm a part of one of the multidisciplinary scrum teams. My team is doing the magic behind the scene. We are in charge of servers, services and payments run smoothly. Also, we take care of our back office system that helps our support and success teams help our customers and our business development and design teams to better understand the needs of our clients. Every day we juggle with multiple services written using several technology stacks that are running both on AWS and bare metal servers. Some are real-time, all are highly-available.

Why am I doing this?

One of the main motives is that I always felt that I have many things to share with the world (outside of my soical media postings), but not just that. One way communication sucks. I would really want to spark discussions with all of you who come across this corner of the Internet.

On the other hand, I needed a place to articulate my thoughts and ideas and to have a reference of how I overcame some issues.

They say that if you really want to be sure you understand something, you need to be able to explain it to someone else, and that is my main motive - to learn by teaching.

Also, you probably noticed that I'm not a native english speaker and I hope that my english will improve while writing these posts.

What can you expect to find here?

As I'm passionate about some totally different stuff, it might get messy, but I will try to keep things down to:

  1. Programming - PHP, MySQL, Golang, Python, JS, CSS, shell, refactoring, testing ...
  2. Electronics - Arduino, Raspberry Pi, sensors, motors ...
  3. DevOps - Jenkings, GitLab, Grafana, Prometheus, CI/CD, linux, servers, monitoring, automation ...
  4. Productivity - routines, habbits, lifehacks, tools, methodologies ...
  5. Personal - thoughts about books, videos, talks, shows ...

How often will I publish new posts?

It really depends. I have almost no free time at all as I'm working full time and I have several small kids to raise. I will probobly write in bursts in moments of inspiration and free time.

Until the next reading, have a great time